Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pretty and popular again

Has it really been that long since we were last here? Tsk, Tut and other reproving noises.

After what seemed like a slow start to this London gig, it feels like life really is starting to pick up speed. Perhaps not yet the break-neck variety but certainly a definite amount of liveliness has manifested itself into my calendar lately.

Since it's been nearly six months (and we all know what a detrimental effect the moving gods think that sort of stability can have on the fragile human psyche) it will come as a suprise to almost nobody that I'm shortly about to change addresses again. Fortunately not by much - this round is only a short one, as Lakshmi descends from the lofty heights of Flat 4 to the majestic lows of Flat 1 in the same building. On the plus side, the new place is completely freshly redecorated and furnished. On the down side it is a ground floor flat so (much as the English enjoy frolicing amongst the local wildlife) I might once more be subjected to the nameless horrors of possibly finding a snail inside the house. Still, you have to take the goods with the bads and stay as cool as some cucumbers. Or so the man said.

Speaking of cool, recent travel has taken me away from the cold spell that appears to have gripped these isles and is refusing to let go without a fight. Spain was actually quite cold in the shade but the sunshine did make up for it. It seems quite novel to be praising and seeking out the sunshine after years of assiduous avoidance. Such is life, I suppose.

Despite being numpty enough to not visit the Sagrada Familia, I did see a few sights in Barcelona, including the Gothic quarter and Parc Guell. While Gaudi had a fascinating sense of colour and pattern, I have to say some of his work struck me as belonging to the cheese-before-bedtime school of architecture.

A few jaunts around seaside town Sitges, a couple of Mandarina Duck purchases and several good Spanish meals (which, let's face it, is the real reason I went anywhere near the place) rounded out the rest of my trip.

As I have no significant travel planned for the very near future, I'm resting my hopes for international contact on potential visits from Emily (the other prettiest, most popular girl at IU in the early 2000s) and Matt B (who, on careful consideration of the situation, appears to be the only Matt I know who isn't married). Hurrah for airplanes bearing long lost friends and carbon footprints be damned! (Ok, not really. Well, maybe a little.)

With about 3 significant players in the Lakshmi game of Life turning 30 this year, I'm not getting many sympathetic audiences for my woes at turning 28 soon. Self-involved bastards, the lot of them. There had better be cake and presents to make up for this cruel and unnecessary behaviour in a month's time...

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