Monday, September 01, 2008

Going for gold

So another Olympics has come and gone, set to return when the fields are white with daisies.

I generally tend to avoid paying attention to the Olympics - after all, if some people take pleasure in flinging themselves a centimetre further into a sand pit than others or hurling a javelin about for no good reason, then they may feel free to do so but I decline to encourage them in these excesses. This year, however, I found myself surprisingly interested in the whole thing - meaning that I didn't switch to another channel if I happened to stumble upon it on TV. With world records being broken on all sides, Beijing 2008 struck me as an excellent example of the kind of strength and determination human beings can exhibit when they think someone might be watching.

Am going for my own record at the moment, having moved out of my fourth flat in two years. Although I'm not sure whether I should go for the record of largest number of house moves within the Greater London area in the shortest amount of time or whether the champagne should pop when I manage to live in any one place for longer than six months.

I would say thoughts and comments to the usual address but somehow that seems flippant...

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