Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do vets treat fish?

Piscine emergency this weekend.

Returned home from a haircut (which subsequently did not get noticed much amongst the drama) to the news that Claude was swimming oddly and had an unpleasant looking red gash by one of his gills.

After careful observation (and the passing thought that staring into fishbowls on a Saturday afternoon was not the ideal way to spend what precious little is left of my twenties), a telephone consultation with Mr Kenny (he who knows about fish) and suitable documentation (photos of injury and video of unusual swimming motion), I wandered down to the fish emporium in Crystal Palace to secure suitable medication i.e. disturbingly-coloured stuff that gets measured out in drops per gallon of water or something equally precise that I didn't really follow. While there I also (finally) discovered what species the twins are - Calico Fantails for anyone who's interested.

As of yesterday the odd swimming seems to have abated but the red gash is only minimally improved. I fear the danger is not yet fully past.


aimee said...

So who did you show the video too? The fish doctor at the shop? Are you entirely sure they didn't just give you a thing of iodine and laugh in to their sleeves?

Woe to the fish. Poor lil things.

Hows you tho? x

Lakshmi said...

Showed the woman in the fish shop one of the pictures but she seemed less than completely interested - and she wasn't anywhere near involved enough to watch the video - the cheek of it, after I'd so painstakingly documented the symptoms!

The medicine stuff came with all sorts of instructions and grave illustrations but lacking sufficient knowledge, as I do, it could have been red propaganda for all I know!

So poor Claude is still quite red around the gill, but he seems to have perked up a bit, which is something!

Otherwise all is well - trying hard to wind things down at work and prepare for festive festivities.


aimee said...

Ees all good - I bought you a card but I haven't posted it yet. So it's now a Happy New Year card.... poor effort I know!!! When are you back in the sandlands for a bevvvverage and catchup? xx