Tuesday, April 10, 2007

If it's Tuesday, this must be Blackfriars...

Boo to the end of the long weekend.

And boo to not having an Easter egg this year. Well, not too much boo, since really I have no-one but myself to blame for that. Besides, impending Russian holiday, where I will be forced to compete with gorgeous leggy blondes for the attention of my friends, just to ensure that I don't get left behind in some random nightclub while they disappear off with woman who will (if stories are to be believed) elbow me out of the way, means the fewer calories the better at the moment.

(Wow, that was a long and complicated thought...)

Anyway, hurrah for the shortened week and then upwards and onwards to Marc's birthday extravaganza over the weekend.

Over the weekend I went to sunny Brighton on the South (?) coast of England and a charming little city it was too. Well, the bits of it that I saw were nice. Narrow, winding streets with random little shops and kiosks, as well as a wonderfully garish pier with loads of dreadful looking rides, cotton candy stands and hideous stuffed animals to be won. Even though this is a new Brighton pier (the old one apparently burned down or something), it had a lovely old carnival ground feel to it - exactly how a pier should feel, if that makes any sense.

And hurrah for old bookshops where I picked up THREE early edition Wodehouse books, in green fabric hardcover and inscriptions inside from 1929 and 1931.

Mr Kenny is doing well and I am well pleased for having a friend living in an interesting city as it gives me reasons to go down there without feeling like an oddball. On the whole, with him living there and Clare having grown up there, Brighton seems to be worming its way into my consciousness with no small amount of sneakiness. What can it mean?

Plans for St Petersburg continue with hotel bookings chopped, changed and now finalised and train tickets to and from Helsinki to be purchased next week.

Went into O2 shop yesterday to proceed with phone number transferring process and was told it would take ANOTHER WEEK before it was finalised. Admittedly I don't actually know the intricacies of how these things work, but I'm convinced this process shouldn't take 14 days from start to finish. Someone somewhere is attempting to lead me up the garden path and I am wholly unimpressed.

Still no shoe solution for new room. Still no word from Christina on Baby Neukam. Still no idea what I feel passionately enough about to present on it at my Presentation Skills training on Thursday.

This is going to be a busy week.


Peter Kenny said...

Ah-ha. Brighton is indeed on the South coast of England. As you will remember its closeness to the equator was betrayed by the searing sunlight.

aimee said...

am loving the thought of you two wandering around.

In other news - you're evil for not getting addicted to Facebook like I is.

Phone companies are necessarily liars.

Russian holidays need dates (please)

And useless mates require updated addresses in order to send late cards to cover all missed celebrations that were not marked in a suitably hallmark fashion.

Consider yourself told