Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bring it on, 27, I dare ya...

So I suppose it had to happen sometime.

The dreaded day has come. This is the oldest I've ever been. Still, am in pretty high spirits following a good weekend and a series of phonecalls, text messages and emails that remind me how lucky I am in the family and friends departments.

Weekend shenanigans in Cardiff resulted in positive actions all around - Wales beat England; I had chocolate cake and pancakes (not together, although that sounds quite promising too); I'm now almost the proud owner of a pair of fish and, most importantly, having something else to think about for a couple of days resulted in good karma on the house front.

After visiting a grand total of 25 flats of various sizes, shapes and occupants over the last few weeks, I have now settled on No 6C Cavendish Road. The girl moving out is off to a new job in Dubai and the new flat is so close to the current one that I won't have to change any of my travel or grocery shopping habits. Perhaps rather a lot of time, effort and stress to move a mere three streets over but into each life some rain must fall, I suppose.

Off home to enjoy my first night in weeks of doing nothing and contemplating the infinite.

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