Monday, February 12, 2007

The flat-hunt is back on, although not yet in full swing as most of the people with rooms to rent are looking for someone to move in pretty much right away and I'm not set to go anywhere until the end of March. It's all a bit stressful and boring so let's focus on my personal favourites from Avenue Q instead:

  • More drinks! More fun! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
  • Everyone's a little bit racist...
  • What do you do with a degree in English?
  • The internet is for PORN!
Excellent show indeed. However, I do feel sorry for the parents who mistakenly thought that there being puppets meant it was an appropriate show to bring a 10-year-old daughter to. They must have spent the entire show with their hands clamped tightly over her eyes and ears so she could be shielded from the racism, homophobia and puppet-sex references.

There wasn't much left of the weekend after all the meals we managed to fit into the space of 24 hours, but I can't think of many better ways to fill the time than with friends and food.

Valentine's Day tomorrow - have a rather full schedule of Dell annual review meeting and poking my eyes out with knitting needles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... my comments keep getting deleted before they get posted... perhaps it was the Dubai censors banishing my yearning for homophobic puppets singing about racism to stage a show in Dubai?

Big love you - fret not about the flat, a perfect place will fall in to your lap. Well, not literally of course, as a whole flat on your lap may render your legs somewhat unusable. Ponder that. Hmm.