Thursday, January 11, 2007

By the way, have realised that I’ve lived in England for six months now and have not yet complained about the weather – well, except for complaining that it was too hot in the summer and surely that doesn’t count? – so today might be the day.

Well, comment on rather than complain about.

It has been unseasonably warm in London this winter – well, it’s not WARM but I’m told that it’s usually a lot colder at this time of the year. Today it suddenly got freezing cold and the wind was blowing so hard it actually made me stagger and veer off my path. If it hadn’t been 7.30am, people would have thought I was drunk. That said, this is England, so maybe they still did.

At least it wasn’t raining, because after waking up to an unfamiliar and annoying alarm on the hideous pink phone, I’m not sure I have the emotional strength to battle with my temperamental umbrella as well…

1 comment:

Kay Why said...

Babe, I have only just now logged onto the Adventures of Lakshmi (which considering my Olympic-style procrastination abilities, is pretty good form methinks!) and am loving it, keep up the good work! Made me homesick for our mid-morning office gossips back in the sandy old days...

ox KY