Thursday, January 04, 2007

Places afar, plans afoot.

Well sort of.

As part of my resolutions for 2007, I've been giving thought to where I'd like to travel this year - so far the diary contains a trip to USA in order to cock an eye at Baby Neukam (exact city TBC), to visit Toosy in Boston and to give New York the opportunity to exchange pleasantries with the adult Lakshmi.

In September I've pencilled in the Scorza/Wade wedding and if I don't make it home to Dubai at some point, there might be some sort of disownment involved with la mamma. That and my fingernails might just fall off from N-Style manicure withdrawal symptoms.

With all those in mind, it doesn't seem to leave much time (or budget) for any additional destinations, but thanks to Tiina (and Ryanair), a long weekend in Finland is sounding like a good solid prospect. Or at least it was, until Cam sent through pictures of Moscow (and his beautiful apartment) and now I find myself uncertain about limiting 2007 travel to solely one additional city.

While we're at it, does anyone else have cool ideas about where I should go? Since everyone who knows me is aware of my stellar decision-making abilities, I figure I might as well get as many elements into the equation as possible - you know, just to keep it exciting.

On a tangential note, why does everyone seem to have a nicer house than me? I used to think my place was quite sweet until I saw what I was missing. Admittedly the places I'm thinking of are those belonging to friends slightly older than me - but surely a few years and significantly better jobs shouldn't cause this kind of differential?


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